Mon December 11 & Tues December 12, 2023

Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless - 315 Sheridan Avenue Albany, NY 12206
Sponsor-A-Family program:
Provide warmth, cheer, and happiness for families in need during the holiday season through the sponsorship of a family within IPH’s programs. As a sponsor, you will select a preferred family size to commit to sponsoring. Then, you will be assigned to a family wish-list based on your preferences. Enjoy shopping for and purchasing gifts for each child in the family you are matched with, and optionally for the grown ups!

Holiday Gift Baskets:
Bring warmth and cheer to individuals at IPH by providing a gift basket full of essential and thoughtful items for their homes. Items such as cleaning supplies, towels, dishes, slippers and other essentials are packaged together in a large laundry basket or bin and dropped off to IPH to be donated to individuals in IPH programs.

Love-kit Gift Bags
Support individuals experiencing homelessness in our community this holiday season by signing up to donate Warmth & Love Kit - Holiday Gift Bags packed full of thoughtful and essential items such as warm hats, gloves & tasty snack items for IPH guests to enjoy.

Sign up or learn more

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

St. Catherine’s Center for Children, 40 North Main Ave., Albany, NY, 9am to 4pm
St. Catherine’s Center for Children offers programs and services that address the challenges our children and families face. We are committed to helping families find answers to their struggles. We provide a comprehensive range of human services designed to offer hope, foster growth, and improve the lives of the children, families, and adults we serve.

St. Catherine's Hope for the Holidays Program. The holidays can be especially difficult for parents who are unable to provide for their children. Our Adopt-a-Child/Family program allows you, your family and friends, or your group/organization the opportunity to make a big impact. Needs may include food, household items/essentials, clothing, or toys.  If you would like to participate in this program, we ask that you plan ahead so that your shopping is complete and donations are ready for delivery or pick-up no later than December 13. 

December 17-24, 2023

New York Oncology & Hematology, 1 Kasper Drive, Loudonville, NY 12211, anytime
Donation of items such as chapstick, work searches, tissues & lotion to contribute to Care Kits for Chemo Patients, providing some of our most fragile neighbors with items to support their healing journeys. Porch drop off to volunteer in Loudonville.

Monday - Thursday December 18-21, 2023

South End Children’s Cafe, 25 Warren Street Albany NY 12202, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Deliver donations of items to help children & families in Albany’s South End neighborhood. Items needed: Mittens for ages 5-14, and gift cards to Walmart

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Northern Rivers Family of Services - Stuff the Bus!, NBT Bank, 703 Troy Schenectady Rd, Latham
9am - noon
Northern Rivers is collecting new, and unwrapped gifts for more than 1,000 youth in our care.
More information including wishlist & donation options

Sidewalk Warriors Troy, 35 State Street, Troy, NY, 9am to noon
Donation of items to neighbors in need. You can also order items from Amazon to ship directly to Sidewalk Warriors.
More volunteering opportunities: Every Thursday at 35 State Street, Troy. Help out at a pop-up distribution where there are 30 tables filled with hot meals, sandwiches, snacks, pantry items, and essentials, along with special distributions such as socks, underwear, and gloves. Set up is at 4:30 and serving starts at 6:00 pm, breakdown at 7:30pm. To schedule a group of more than 5 people, team leader Robin Fontanelli may be reached at 518-265-7026. Email Robin Fontanelli for more information.

Tuesday December 19, 2023

Albany High School Free Food Pantry, Main Entrance at Albany High School 700 Washington Ave Albany NY 12203, 4:00-6:30pm
Deliver donations of hygiene items to support the free food pantry from Albany High students and their families. Wishlist: Deodorant (male/female - HIGH DEMAND ITEM), Maxi pads, Body wash, (male/female) Bar soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Mouthwash (no alcohol), Hand soap, Shampoo, Chap stick

For more information, email Albany High PTA contact Sarah Whalen.

Thursday December 21 2023

Bring on the Spectrum, 71 Fuller Road, Albany, NY 12205, 2-6pm
Deliver donation items to support this inclusive sensory space.

Friday December 22, 2023

Veteran’s Miracle Center, 10 Interstate Ave, Albany NY, 9 to noon
Deliver donation items to help area veterans in need. Specific wishlist: Personal hygiene, small kitchen appliances, flatware, zip lock quart and gallon size bags, warm winter socks both men and women, band-aid and home first aid kits

Bring on the Spectrum, 71 Fuller Road, Albany, NY 12205, 2-6pm
Deliver donation items to support this inclusive sensory space.

Saturday December 23, 2023

St. Margaret’s Center, 27 Hackett Blvd., Albany, NY 12208, contact Abby Worme to coordinate drop off - (518) 591-3382, 11am to 2pm
Donations of items for children living in a skilled nursing facility
Volunteer opportunities for groups: virtual holiday caroling, reading books, and other activities. Contact Abby Worme at (518) 591-3382 to arrange.,

Veteran’s Miracle Center, 10 Interstate Ave, Albany NY, 9 to noon
Donation of items to help area veterans in need. Specific wishlist: Personal hygiene, small kitchen appliances, flatware, zip lock quart and gallon size bags, warm winter socks both men and women, band-aid and home first aid kits

Ronald McDonald House Charities, 141 South Lake Avenue Albany, NY 12208, 9:00am to 1:00pm
RMHC provides support to families of children with serious illnesses. This year, they're requesting items such as individual snacks & beverages, household items, gift cards & toys, and activities.

Donation of items to help support families living in the house while their children receive medical treatment.

American Cancer Society Hope Club, 1 Penny Lane, Latham, NY 12110, 10am - 1pm
The American Cancer Society’s Hope Club, with your help, provides free services to those cancer patients and survivors in the Capital Region who need it most. They help cancer patients and survivors with mental health, socialization, and recovery. Donate items from their wishlist, to help patients, survivors & families impacted by cancer.

Sunday December 24, 2023

Mohawk Hudson Humane Society - Stuff the Bus! 3 Oakland Ave Menands, NY 12204, 10:00am to 1:00pm
This year, in partnership with the Capital District Transportation Authority - CDTA the goal is to Stuff The Bus! Swing by the MHHS on Sunday, December 24th, between 10am and 1pm to support this donation drive, as well as see Santa & a whole building full of adorable dogs & cats ready for adoption!
Donation of items to help unadopted pets.

Ronald McDonald House Charities, 141 South Lake Avenue Albany, NY 12208, 9:00am to 1:00pm
RMHC provides support to families of children with serious illnesses. This year, they're requesting items such as individual snacks & beverages, household items, gift cards & toys, and activities.

Donation of items to help support families living in the house while their children receive medical treatment.

Food Pantries for the Capital District, 32 Essex Street, Albany, NY, 10am to noon
In Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties over 89,000 people are food insecure. 27,000 are babies and children. FPFCD is a coalition of more than 65 food pantries in the Capital Region working together to feed the hungry.
Donate items from the wishlist to help some of our most vulnerable neighbors.

Brinley’s Bags, 7 Petalas Drive East Greenbush NY 12061, 9:00am to 12:00pm
Donation of items to make care kits for families with babies in the NICU.
Also accepting the shipment of items (7 Petalas Drive East Greenbush NY 12061) via the Amazon wishlist above.

Anytime before 12/24

The Tulip Project, 82 North Pine Ave, Albany NY, 12203

Send items from the Tulip Project’s Amazon Wishlist to share with residents in a local nursing home this holiday season.

Adopt-A-Grandparent with the Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NNORC) of Albany (Jewish Family Services), 1 Cliff Top Drive, Albany NY 12211 (a volunteer’s porch drop off)
The Albany Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NNORC) helps people aged 60 and over age in place. NNORC staff coordinates services and community resources that help seniors maintain their quality of life and independence, access services, and remain connected to their neighborhoods. Contribute items to a holiday basket for a local older neighbor who would otherwise be alone this holiday. All items must be delivered to the volunteer’s porch by 12/23.